How to Remove Acne Marks: Dr Shirin Bakshi

How to Remove Acne Marks

Acne scars never fade easy, and there’s no single treatment that’s best for everyone. Some treatments might improve your acne or your skin, depending on your scar type, your skin type and the severity of the scarring. How to Remove Acne Marks.

The best skin doctor in South Delhi Dr. Shirin Bakshi recommends ways from home treatments to acne scar removal treatments as follows.

At-home skincare

The contrast between skin without scars and skin with scars can be lessened by wearing sunscreen. Certain medicated creams, like those with hydroxyl acids or azelaic acid, may also be helpful. Reducing oil production and clearing your pores of collected debris and perspiration can also be achieved by following a step-by-step washing, exfoliating, and moisturising regimen every day.

Soft tissue fillers

The method of injecting collagen, fat or other substances under the skin can plump the skin over indented scars is called fillers. Reducing the visibility of the scars is the aim here. Recurring treatments are necessary to maintain the impact because the results are transient. Certain kinds of deep, depressed acne scars can be filled with injections of hyaluronic acid or fat. As the fillers are gradually absorbed into the skin, more filler injections can be required over time.

Hypertrophic Scars & Keloids

Various approaches are available like silicon gels, cryotherapy, and injections, to reduce and flatten the scar. Acne-related keloids and hypertrophic scars can also be lessened with CO2 laser treatment.

Steroid injections

Injecting steroids into some acne scars can improve the appearance of your skin effectively.

Chemical peel

These peels help minimise the appearance of acne scars and hyperpigmentation around acne wounds while also improving the overall skin texture. Here, the doctor applies a chemical solution to the scar tissue to remove the top layer of skin and minimise the appearance of deeper scars. You can repeat mild and medium peels to maintain results. You can have only one deep peel. Considered as the best acne scar treatment in delhi.


By using a high-speed brush or instrument, this technique resurfaces the skin and reduces the depth of scars. This procedure is usually reserved for severe scarring. The skin doctor in Delhi removes the top layer of skin with a rapidly rotating brush or other device. Surface scars may be completely removed, and deeper acne scars may appear less noticeable. Potential severe side effects include scarring and changes in skin colour. How to Remove Acne Marks.

Micro needling or Skin needling

Generally, a doctor rolls a needle-studded device over the skin to stimulate collagen formation in the underlying tissue. “It is a safe, simple and highly effective technique for acne scarring. It has minimal risk of discolouring the skin,” says Dr. Bakshi.

Surgical Removal

Surgical removal of the acne scar, followed by stitches or a skin graft, can be performed. “The doctor cuts out individual acne scars and repairs the wound with stitches or skin graft. With a technique called subcision, the doctor will insert needles under the skin to deflate fibres below a scar,” says the best female dermatologist in Delhi, Dr. Shirin Bakshi.


Injecting Botox relaxes the acne skin area and improves the appearance of an acne scar. Results are temporary, so repeat treatments are needed to retain the look.

See Also Read: How to Remove Acne Marks.

Sublative Rejuvenation Using Radio Frequency Waves

Via insulated microneedles that are placed into the skin, radio frequency waves are delivered with the help of a technique called Micro-Needling Radio Frequency (MNRF). Collagen renewal and regeneration are accelerated by the radio frequency pulses. Untreated tissues nearby aid in the healing process. 

Consult one of the best female dermatologists in South Delhi Dr. Shirin Bakshi & her Dermasure Skin and Hair Clinic. Say goodbye to acne or any other skin care related problem.

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